Tell If You are Allergic to Casein or Milk Protein - Millions of people around the world are thousands of lactose intolerance more aware of their intolerance. While there is no definitive test to determine if you are allergic to foods, there are clinical blood and urine tests can determine if the body is allergic to a food source. effectiveness tests, but look at the symptoms and observe what is happening in dairy elimination diet. If the symptoms during the period of removal remain, it is more than likely allergic to dairy.
How to Tell If You are Allergic to Casein or Milk Protein
Determine if you are dairy protein intolerant, or dairy lactose intolerant. There are two different forms of milk allergies lactose and protein. It is possible to be allergic to one and not other, or to both at same time. For those with singular lactose intolerance, lactose-free products, such as lactose free milk or lactaid pills, can aid in treatment. However, for those allergic to casein a milk protein , lactose-free products and pills are ineffective, and all dairy products must be avoided. Blood and urine tests can be done to determine possible allergy presence in body, however, there is no definitive test to determine any food allergy. best way to determine if you have food allergy is to compile and compare your symptoms and try elimination diet to test if your symptoms subside.
Observe your symptoms. symptoms of casein intolerance include skin rashes such as eczema, and hives, digestive and gastrointestinal discomfort and asthma attacks. It is possible for individual with casein allergy to go into anaphylactic shock, which is when immune system overreacts and sends body into possible seizure. Individuals with severe casein allergies are usually diagnosed at infancy. If you experience any of above symptoms, proceed to casein-elimination diet to test if you are allergic to casein.
Eliminate all milk and casein-containing products for 35 days some health care providers suggest two weeks, however, to fully delete all casein from your system, it is best to give as large testing time as possible. Products you must avoid include all casein and lactose containing foods -- dairy products of cow's milk, yogurts, cheeses, ice creams, etc. You also must pay attention to ingredient labels for milk or milk-protein ingredients, which are present in many dry commercial goods. If your symptoms subside after elimination of these products for period, you are most likely allergic to dairy products. After 35 days, introduce lactose-free products such as lactaid milk to determine whether your allergy is lactose or casein. If you can take lactose-free milk without return to your old symptoms, you are lactose intolerant. If you return to your old symptoms, you are casein intolerant.
See allergen specialist. While self diagnosis through food elimination is often most effective way at identifying food allergy, you are advised to contact allergen specialist who may suggest allergy with overlapping symptoms that you may have overlooked. Talk to your family doctor for referrals.
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