Take Care of Dog Eye Allergies - People are not only those who are severely affected by allergies. Dogs can suffer as much as their human companions. The signs of dog allergies are squinting, redness and swelling of the eyes, significant relief, and in some cases, excessive itching. Although you should consult your veterinarian about allergies, it is very easy for you to treat your dog.
How to Take Care of Dog Eye Allergies
Swab dog's eyes few times day with sterilized, lukewarm water. Use sterilized, clean cotton ball and wash your hands thoroughly in advance. While cleaning, make sure eyes are free of hair and other debris.
Administer antihistamine such as Benadryl. In general, you can give your dog one milligram per one pound of weight up to three times day. However, be sure to check with your vet about proper dosage.
Give your dog vitamin supplements such as vitamins E and C, which help to strengthen immune system to allergens. Dogs generally can have 100 IU of vitamin E and 100 mg of vitamin C daily. Include omega-3 fatty acids because they help reduce inflammation brought on by allergens. Place 1 teaspoon of ground flaxseed in your dog's food daily.
Change your dog's food to limited-ingredient dog food. Using limited-ingredient food is similar to speciality dog foods for weight management or senior dogs. Dogs prone to eye allergies often are intolerant of certain ingredients, therefore they have hard time digesting multiple ingredient food. Consult with your veterinarian before changing your dog's diet.
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