Stop Sneezing and Runny Nose - Excessive sneezing and runny nose may be symptoms of colds and allergies. These same symptoms are quite harmless and will not go to rest during the day. They are more of a hassle and can be embarrassing if you have a job that you need to interact with others. There are some things you can do to stop the runny nose and sneezing.
How to Stop Sneezing and Runny Nose
Determine whether you are suffering from allergy or cold. If it is allergy, your eyes often feel itchy. Colds can come with coughs and periods of nasal congestion. If it is allergy season and you are fairly sure this is cause, avoid outdoors as much as possible. Keeping your windows closed and staying indoors can help get rid of your sneezing and runny nose.
Clean out your nasal passages with netty pot. Fill netty pot with warm salt water. Place tip of pot in your left nostril, and lean your head to side. Tip pot so that water runs through your left nasal passage and out your right nasal passage. Repeat this with right nostril. This will temporarily eliminate your symptoms.
Purchase over-the-counter antihistamine. Antihistamines will stop triggers causing you to sneeze and have runny nose. antihistamine will work for up to four hours each time you take it.
Spray your nostrils with nasal spray. This will reduce inflammation inside your nasal passages. Nasal sprays are not designed for long term use, but they are effective at getting rid of sneezing and runny noses.
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