Survive Allergy Season - Make your eyes water just thinking of sniffing spring flower or mowing grass in summer? Both trigger pollen or ragweed is suffering during allergy season is no fun. Although it will not be able to escape all the symptoms of allergy, there are ways to be comfortable and the allergy season survive.
How to Survive Allergy Season
Build comfort zone. Stock up on groceries and other household items to save yourself from venturing out in public with runny nose or watery eyes. Subscribe to movie rental service to avoid large crowds. Purchase allergy season must haves such as and eye drops. Keep your interaction with allergy triggers to minimum.
Get help with outdoor tasks. It is not wise to attempt to mow your lawn or trim your hedges while suffering from allergies. Exposure to allergens may increase your symptoms or create new ones. Ask friends to take pity on you during allergy season and help with outdoor chores.
Take allergy medication. There are many forms to choose from including tablets, sprays, and drops .Choose right medication combination. Choose medications that help treat multiple symptoms. Use care when taking allergy medications to avoid overdose and adverse effects. Consider asking your doctor for prescription medications.
Try natural treatments. Use acupuncture to treat seasonal allergies as alternative to medication therapy. Try other natural remedies such as stinging nettle to relieve congestion. Research natural remedies on-line. Consult with your doctor for guidance regarding drug interactions and proper dosages.
Clean your surroundings. Keep your windows and doors tightly closed to help prevent pollen and spores from entering into your home. Dust and vacuum daily to remove particles that have managed to slip into your home. Consider purchasing HEPA filter to remove greatest amount of allergens.
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